Saturday, January 8, 2011

AG Dirt Directory

As soon as you load the page, bright colors pop out on AG Dirt, not necessarily in a bad way. What I wasn't clear on is what exactly "AG" means. I assume others may not know either, so you might want to tell them right on the homepage. I'm guessing it is just short for "Agriculture".

I like the welcome message in the beginning. It sets the tone that this is a site that cares. I would like to see a little padding on the left side so the text is centered and not hitting the border (possibly a bad phpLD default issue).

Good to see the Google Friends widget on the sidebar (just friended you by the way). Note the spelling of Friends ("firends"). Might want to fix that.

Once I start scrolling down the page, I'm not so sure there is a link or graphic that speaks to me saying, "You should check this out!". I think a latest article with a graphic could go a long way, or something similar. You surely want people to click deeper into your site. Obviously the items on the sidebar and the categories are such items, but you might want something a little more dramatic for people that need to be told what to do next.

The Feed the World graphic is great. Why not place a little link under that says: "Find Out How to Get Involved".

Because it appears this site is dealing with non-profits and similar, I have a hair-brained idea you might want to try marketing wise. Add a link or an article (especially smaller non-profits), and then send them an email letting them know that you like what they are doing, and if they were willing to contribute an article about what they are doing most recently, you would love to add more to your site about them. Multiply this by a few and you may start to become a portal where people find each other and like to read the latest tidbits.

Good luck!

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