Thursday, December 23, 2010

Minx Nails Salon Locator

If you are looking for a nail salon, it appears this nail salon locator may provide a good list as it is showing 1791 active links. I would love to see more use of maps, and some images added to the design to give it a nice feel. Here are a few notes as of December 23rd, 2010.
  1. The domain was created in February 2007, to it is approaching 4 years old
  2. It is running phpLD version 3.4 with the Chrome template.
  3. I see a couple of problems with slashes in the text. We could help them with that in the phpLD forums.
  4. They have a pagerank for 4
I think more could be done with this domain, but it is a good start. Some use of maps for whole categories and a location based search ( would go a long way.

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